When you need a dental crown to protect a tooth weakened because of an oral health issue like advanced decay, finding a dentist near you should not be something that adds stress to the situation. Meredith Levine, DDS, Inc. welcomes you for an appointment when you need your next dental crown or other dental treatment […]
Do you have a tooth that has suffered serious damage? If so, you may benefit from natural-looking crowns in Century City, California, and surrounding communities. We are Meredith Levine, DDS, Inc, proud to offer porcelain crowns for teeth. Why Are Porcelain Crowns Needed for Teeth? If you live in Beverly Hills or Los Angeles, there […]
Crowns are perfect for restoring your smile by fixing cosmetic and functional flaws in your teeth. Many dentists prefer crowns because they provide long-lasting solutions to your smile. While dental crowns are built to last, they are susceptible to wear and tear if you don’t take optimal care of them. Here are handy tips from Meredith […]
While teeth are reliable tools designed to last for a lifetime, certain issues can dramatically impact our smile, such as broken or fractured teeth. When this occurs, you must consult with a trusted dentist right away. Thankfully, Dr. Meredith Levine is one such dentist who has years of experience helping patients in the Century City, […]
A cracked or broken tooth can ruin a beautiful smile almost instantly. Whether you’ve cracked a tooth playing sports, in a slip and fall, or from biting into hard rock candy, your Century City, California dentist can restore its health, appearance, and function with dental crown treatment. At the office of Meredith Levine, DDS, Inc., we specialize […]