Athletes use many different kinds of equipment to protect themselves from injury. Dr. Meredith Levine offers her patients in Century City, California, a great way to keep their smiles in good condition while playing sports. The PlaySafe Sports Mouthguard offers maximum protection against various injuries associated with different types of sports. A good mouthguard will have several good qualities.
A secure fit is a must. A mouthguard needs to fit snuggly around the teeth to prevent them from slipping or shifting. With many sports involving physical contact, a mouthguard needs to stay in place and not be jolted out of the mouth or moved in any way that would allow damage to the teeth and soft tissues. Your dentist will be able to mold the mouthguard, so it fits as snuggly and firmly as possible.
A good mouthguard will absorb the impact of a forceful hit. The purpose of a mouthguard isn’t just to keep the teeth from being damaged. It is also designed to help maintain the mouth and jaw alignment. A direct hit to the TMJ area can cause the jaw to dislocate. Your mouthguard helps to prevent that by stabilizing the entire area.
One of the biggest concerns, aside from damage to the teeth, is damage to the soft tissues. A mouthguard will prevent the teeth from cutting into the tongue, cheeks, or lips. While there may be bruising, the tissues will not be lacerated like they would be if they were bitten or cut. It only takes a little bit of force to cause a laceration. Mouthguards maintain stability in the mouth and can prevent the teeth from coming in contact with the soft tissues.
Athletes who live in the Century City California area can visit Meredith Levine, DDS, Inc., to learn more about the PlaySafe Sports mouthguards. Call (424) 358-3811 if you are a new patient or (310) 286-3111 if you are an existing patient. Dr. Levine has many of the answers you are looking for and can explain all of the benefits a good mouthguard has to offer.