Using dental crowns over implants to restore Century City, CA smiles

There are several ways for patients in the Century City, CA area to achieve beautiful, healthy, and strengthened smiles after tooth loss. However, no other option compares to that of the dental implant. The dental implant is a highly requested solution by patients who visit the practice of Dr. Meredith Levine for restorative dental work. If you are faced with concerns such as tooth loss, the placement of a dental implant and crown might be an option for your smile!

What is a dental implant?

Dr. Meredith Levine of Century City, California, describes the dental implant as an artificial tooth root replacement. It is made of titanium, a metal biocompatible with the human body, and designed to use the jawbone as the foundation for strength and durability. During oral surgery, the implant is placed into the bone. The upper portion, called the abutment, visible above the gum line, is restored with a custom-fabricated dental crown. The complete process replaces a single tooth, though dental implants can also hold one or both sides of a dental bridge or stabilize full dentures.

Why might a patient need a dental implant?

Dental implants can:

  • Replace one or more teeth without impacting surrounding teeth
  • Maintain natural bone in the jaw and eliminate the risk of bone resorption
  • Restore chewing, digestion, and speech abilities
  • Support restorations such as bridges or dentures to make them more secure and comfortable
  • Restore confidence in a patient’s smile
  • Resolve bite problems and shifting that may result from missing teeth
  • Ensure a natural-looking restoration
  • Last a lifetime with proper care

Find out how dental implants and crowns can replace your missing teeth!

Dental implants and crowns are a standard solution chosen by patients missing one or more teeth within the smile. If you live in the area of Century City, CA, and are interested in discussing the benefits of treatments such as this for tooth loss, call (424) 358-3811 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Meredith Levine. Her facility is located at 2080 Century Park East, Suite #1516, and accepts new and established patients of the practice.
